




§  Menu – forms an integral and indispensable part of the modern GUI. They give the user access to a program’s core functionality.

§  The JavaFX menu system supports several key elements, including

o   The menu bar, which is the main menu for an application.

o   The standard menu, which can contain either items to be selected or other menus (submenus).

o   The context menu, which is often activated by right-clicking the mouse. Context menus are also called popup menus.

o   Several different types of menu items, including the ability to create custom menu items.

o   Accelerator keys, which enable menu items to be selected without having to activate the menu.

o   Mnemonics, which allow a menu item to be selected by the keyboard once the menu options are displayed.


§  JavaFX also supports an interesting control called MenuButton, which lets user create a button that activates a menu.

§  JavaFX also supports the toolbar, which provides rapid access to program functionality, often paralleling menu items.



Menu Basics

§  The JavaFX menu system is supported by a group of related classes packaged in javafx.scene.control.


TABLE 8-1. The Core JavaFX Menu Classes


§  To provide a main menu for an application, you need an instance of MenuBar. This class is, a container for menus.

§  The MenuBar contains instances of Menu.

§  Each Menu object defines a menu. That is, each Menu object contains one or more selectable items.

§  The items displayed by a Menu are objects of type MenuItem.

§  Thus, a MenuItem defines a selection that can be chosen by the user.


§  check and radio menu items can be added to a menu.

o   A check menu item is created by CheckMenuItem.

o   A radio menu item is created by RadioMenuItem.

§  Both of these classes extend MenuItem.


§  SeparatorMenuItem is a convenience class that creates a separator line in a menu. It inherits CustomMenuItem, which is a class that facilitates embedding other types of controls in a menu item. CustomMenuItem extends MenuItem.


§  When a menu item is selected, an action event is generated.

§  The name of the selection is the text associated with the selection.


§  NOTE:

1.    MenuItem does not inherit Node.

                                         i.    Thus, instances of MenuItem can be used only in a menu.

                                       ii.    They cannot be otherwise incorporated into a scene graph.


2.    MenuBar does inherit Node

                                         i.    This allows the menu bar to be added to the scene graph.


3.    MenuItem is a superclass of Menu.

                                         i.    This enables the creation of submenus – menus within menus.

                                       ii.    To create a submenu,

1.    first create and populate a Menu object with MenuItems

2.    and then add it to another Menu object.


§  ContextMenu inherits PopupControl.

§  To create a context menu,

§  first create an object of type ContextMenu.

§  Then, add MenuItems to it.

§  A context menu is often activated by clicking the right mouse button when the mouse is over a control for which a context menu has been defined.


§  Another way to create a stand-alone menu is to use the MenuButton or SplitMenuButton controls.

§  MenuButton displays a button control that is used to activate a drop-down menu.

§  SplitMenuButton displays both a button and a menu activator box, which is used to activate a drop-down menu.

§  Both controls are quite useful when screen space is limited.


§  A feature related to the menu is the toolbar.

§  In JavaFX, toolbars are supported by the ToolBar class.

§  It creates a stand-alone component that is often used to provide fast access to functionality contained within the menus of the application.



An Overview of MenuBar, Menu, and MenuItem

§  To create a menu, need MenuBar, Menu, and MenuItem.



§  MenuBar is essentially a container for menus.

§  It is the control that supplies the main menu of an application.

§  It inherits Node and can be added to a scene graph.

§  MenuBar has two constructors.

o   The first is the default constructor.

o   The second constructor – can specify the items in the menu.

§  As a general rule, an application has one and only one menu bar.


§  MenuBar defines several methods,

§  getMenus( ) – It returns a list of the menus managed by the menu bar.

     final ObservableList<Menu> getMenus( )

§  A Menu instance is added to this list of menus by calling add( ) or addAll( ).

§  The added menus are positioned in the order in which they are added.


§  To remove a menu that is no longer needed, call remove( ).

§  To obtain a count of the number of items in a menu bar, call size( ).



§  Menu encapsulates a menu, which is populated with MenuItems.

§  Menu is derived from MenuItem.

§  one menu can be a submenu of another.

§  Menu defines several constructors.

o   Default

o   Menu(String name)

§  Each menu maintains a list of menu items that it contains.

§  After a menu has been constructed, you can add an item to the menu by adding items to this list using getItems( ) and add( ) or addAll( ).

     final ObservableList<MenuItem> getItems( )

§  to remove an item call remove( )

§  to obtain the size of the list call size( ).

§  Separators help organize long menus by allowing you to group related items together. To add a menu separator use an object of type SeparatorMenuItem.




§  MenuItem encapsulates an element in a menu.

§  This element can either be a selection linked to some program action, such as Save or Close, or it can cause a submenu to be displayed.

§  MenuItem defines the following three constructors:

o   MenuItem( )

o   MenuItem(String name)

o   MenuItem(String name, Node image)

§  A MenuItem generates an action event when selected. You can register an action event handler for such an event by calling setOnAction( ), or fire an action event on a menu item by calling fire( ).

§  MenuItem – methods.

§  setDisable( ) – enable or disable a menu item.

     final void setDisable(boolean disable)


Create a Main Menu

§  As a general rule, the most commonly used menu of any application is the main menu. This is the menu defined by the menu bar, and it is the menu that defines all (or nearly all) of the functionality of the program. As you will see, JavaFX streamlines the process of creating and managing the main menu. Here, you will learn how to construct a simple main menu. Subsequent sections will show various options.

§  Constructing the main menu requires several steps. Here is one approach. First, create the MenuBar instance that will hold the menus. Next, construct each menu that will be in the menu bar. In general, a menu is constructed by first creating a Menu object and then adding MenuItems to it. After the menus have been created, add them to the menu bar. Then, the menu bar itself must be added to the scene graph. Finally, for each menu item, you must add an action event handler that responds to the action event fired when a menu item is selected.



§  If you are using a recent version of JavaFX 8 (one that incorporates update 40), then you can also add menu items when you construct the menu and specify the menus when you construct the menu bar, although this approach may not be applicable to all situations. This book will use the traditional approach.


§  A good way to understand the process of creating and managing menus is to work through an example.

§  Here is a program that creates a simple menu bar that contains three menus. The first is a standard File menu that contains Open, Close, Save, and Exit selections. The second menu is called Options, and it contains two submenus called Input Devices and Clock Style, and a Reset entry. The third menu is called Help, and it has one item: About. When a menu item is selected, the name of the selection is displayed in a label.


§  Let’s examine in detail how the menus in this program are created, beginning with the MenuDemo constructor. Note that it uses a BorderPane instance for the root node. As explained in Chapter 5, it defines a layout that has five areas: top, bottom, left, right, and center. Later in the program, the menu bar is positioned in the top location and a label that displays the menu selection is set to the center position. Setting the menu bar to the top position ensures that it will be shown at the top of the application and will automatically be resized to fit the horizontal width of the window. This is why BorderPane is used in the menu examples. Of course, other layouts, such as using a VBox, are also valid.

§  Much of the code in the program is used to construct the menu bar, its menus, and menu items, and this code warrants a close inspection. First, the menu bar is constructed and a reference to it is assigned to mb by this statement:


Add Mnemonics and Accelerators to Menu Items

§  The menu created in the preceding example is functional, but it is possible to make it better. In real applications, a menu usually includes support for keyboard shortcuts. These come in two forms: accelerators and mnemonics. An accelerator is a key combination that lets you select a menu item without having to first activate the menu. As it applies to menus, a mnemonic defines a key that lets you select an item from an active menu by typing the key. Thus, a mnemonic allows you to use the keyboard to select an item from a menu that is already being displayed.

§  An accelerator can be associated with a Menu or MenuItem. It is specified by calling setAccelerator( ), shown next:

§  final void setAccelerator(KeyCombination keyComb)

§  Here, keyComb is the key combination that is pressed to select the menu item. KeyCombination is a class that encapsulates a key combination, such as CTRL-s. It is packaged in javafx.scene.input.

§  KeyCombination defines two protected constructors, but often you will use the keyCombination( )

§  factory method, shown here:

§  static KeyCombination keyCombination(String keys)

§  Here, keys is a string that specifies the key combination. It typically consists of a modifier, such as CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT, and a letter, such as S. There is a special value, called shortcut, which can be used to specify the control key in a Windows system and the meta key on a Mac. (It also maps to the typically used shortcut key on other types of systems.) Therefore, if you want to specify CTRL-S as the key combination for Save, then use the string “shortcut+S”. This way, it will work for both Windows and Mac, and elsewhere.

§  The following sequence adds accelerators to the File menu created by the MenuDemo program in the previous section. After making this change, you can directly select a File menu option by pressing CTRL-O, CTRL-C, CTRL-S, or CTRL-E.


§  You will also need to import javafx.scene.input.*;.

§  A mnemonic can be specified for both MenuItem and Menu objects, and it is easy to do. Simply precede the letter in the name of the menu or menu item with an underscore. For example, in the preceding example, to add the mnemonic F to the File menu, declare fileMenu as shown here:

§  After making this change, you can select the File menu by pressing ALT and then F. However, mnemonics will be active only if mnemonic parsing is enabled (as it is by default). You can turn mnemonic parsing on or off by using setMnemonicParsing( ), shown here: final void setMnemonicParsing(boolean enable)

§  Here, if enable is true, then mnemonic parsing is turned on. Otherwise, it is turned off.

§  After making these changes, the File menu will now look like this:




Use RadioMenuItem and CheckMenuItem

§  In addition to the standard type of menu items just shown, JavaFX defines two others: check menu items and radio menu items. These elements can streamline a GUI by allowing a menu to provide functionality that would otherwise require additional stand-alone components. Also, sometimes check or radio menu items simply seem the most natural way to include a specific set of options. Whatever your reason, it is easy to use check and/or radio menu items in menus, and both are examined here.


§  To add a check menu item to a menu, use Check MenuItem. It defines three constructors, which parallel the ones defined by MenuItem. The one used in this chapter is shown here:

§  CheckMenuItem(String name)

§  Here, name specifies the name of the item. The initial state of the check box is unchecked. If you want to check a check menu item under program control, call setSelected( ), shown here:

§  final void setSelected(boolean selected)

§  If selected is true, the menu item is checked. Otherwise, it is unchecked.

§  Like stand-alone check boxes, check menu items generate action events when their state is changed.

§  Check menu items are especially appropriate in menus when you have options that can be selected and you want to display their selected/deselected status.

§  A radio menu item can be added to a menu by creating an object of type RadioMenuItem.

§  RadioMenuItem defines a number of constructors. The one used in this chapter is shown here: RadioMenuItem(String name)

§  It creates a radio menu item that has the name passed in name. The item is not selected. As with the case of

§  check menu items, to select a radio menu item, call setSelected( ), passing true as an argument.

§  RadioMenuItem works like a stand-alone radio button, generating both change and action events. Like stand-alone radio buttons, radio menu items must be put into a toggle group in order for them to exhibit mutually exclusive selection behavior.

§  Because both Check MenuItem and RadioMenuItem inherit MenuItem, each has all of the functionality provided by MenuItem. Aside from having the extra capabilities of check boxes and radio buttons, they act like and are used like other menu items.

§  To try check and radio menu items, first remove the code that creates the Options menu in the MenuDemo example program. Then substitute the following code sequence, which uses check menu items for the Input Devices submenu and radio menu items for the Clock Style submenu:


§  Although the two types of menu items look similar, they behave differently. With radio menu items, you can select only one at a time. With check menu items, you can select zero or more items.



Context Menu (pop-up menu)

§  A popular alternative or supplement to the menu bar is the popup menu, which in JavaFX is referred to as a context menu.

§  Popup menus are supported in JavaFX by the ContextMenu class

§  ContextMenu has two constructors.

     Default constructor

     ContextMenu(MenuItems … menuItems )

          menuItems specify the menu items that will constitute the context menu.


Associate and activate ContextMenu

§  Context menu is activated by clicking the right mouse button when over a control.

§  associate a context menu with a control using setContextMenu( ) on the control

     final void setContextMenu(ContextMenu menu)

          menu specifies the context menu associated with the invoking control.


1.    Creating ContextMenu

2.    Create MenuItems

3.    Use getItems and add MenuItems to ContextMenu

4.    Associate ContextMenu with a control using setContextMenu()

5.    Add appropriate EventHandlers to MenuItems

6.    Add ContextMenu to layout and place in scene



§  The menu button offers a compact way to add a menu to a layout because it will show only when needed.

§  It provides a mechanism that links a push button with a drop-down menu.

§  Only the button is shown, but when it is pressed, a menu drops down.

§  Menu buttons are supported by the MenuButton class.


§  MenuButton defines several constructors.

     Default and MenuButton(String str)

          Here, str is the text shown in the button.


1.    Creating MenuButton

2.    Create MenuItems

3.    Use getItems and add MenuItems to MenuButton

4.    Add appropriate EventHandlers to MenuItems

5.    Add MenuButton to layout and place in scene.

// JavaFX Controls

// Menu


import javafx.application.*;

import javafx.scene.*;

import javafx.stage.*;

import javafx.event.*;

import javafx.scene.layout.*;

import javafx.scene.control.*;

import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane.*;

import javafx.scene.input.*;

import javafx.scene.text.*;

import javafx.geometry.*;


public class Menu_Demo extends Application


   public static void main(String []as)





   public void init(){}

   public void stop(){}


   public void start(Stage myStage)


        myStage.setTitle("JavaFX - Menu");


        BorderPane bp = new BorderPane();


        Label L1 = new Label();





        // create menubar

        MenuBar mb = new MenuBar();




        // create menu

        Menu Filemenu = new Menu("_File");

        Menu Editmenu = new Menu("_Edit");

        Menu Helpmenu = new Menu("_Help");


        // create menuitems - File

        MenuItem open = new MenuItem("Open");

        MenuItem save = new MenuItem("Save");

        MenuItem close = new MenuItem("Close");

        MenuItem exit = new MenuItem("Exit");


        // create menuitems - Edit

        MenuItem cut = new MenuItem("Cut");

        MenuItem copy = new MenuItem("Copy");

        MenuItem paste = new MenuItem("Paste");


        // create menuitems - Help

        MenuItem help = new MenuItem("Help");

        MenuItem about = new MenuItem("About");


        // add menuitems to menu

        Filemenu.getItems().addAll(open, save, close, new SeparatorMenuItem(), exit);

        Editmenu.getItems().addAll(cut, copy, paste);

        Helpmenu.getItems().addAll(help, new SeparatorMenuItem(), about);


        // add menu to menu bar




        // place menubar in scene using border layout




        // Event handling

        about.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()


             public void handle(ActionEvent ae)


                 L1.setText("This is a demo program for JavaFX Menu and event handling.");




        exit.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()


             public void handle(ActionEvent ae)






        // Add keyboard accelerators








        // Context Menu

        ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu();


        MenuItem clear = new MenuItem("Clear");

        MenuItem  restore = new MenuItem("Restore");


        cm.getItems().addAll(clear, restore);



        clear.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()


             public void handle(ActionEvent ae)






        restore.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()


             public void handle(ActionEvent ae)


                 L1.setText("This is a demo program for JavaFX Menu and event handling.");



        // Submenus

        // Radiobuttons in menus


        Menu gender = new Menu("Gender");


        RadioMenuItem male = new RadioMenuItem("Male");

        RadioMenuItem female = new RadioMenuItem("Female");


        ToggleGroup tg = new ToggleGroup();







        // Submenus

        // Checkboxes in menus


        Menu dept = new Menu("Dept");


        CheckMenuItem it = new CheckMenuItem("IT");

        CheckMenuItem cse = new CheckMenuItem("CSE");

        CheckMenuItem others = new CheckMenuItem("Others");


        dept.getItems().addAll(it,cse,new SeparatorMenuItem(), others);


        // add the two menus to main menu

        Menu btn = new Menu("_Button");



        // add menus to menubar





        // Menu button


        MenuButton mbtn = new MenuButton("Footer");

        MenuItem status = new MenuItem("Status");

        MenuItem hitcount = new MenuItem("Hit count");



        Label L2 = new Label();

        HBox hb = new HBox(10);

        hb.getChildren().addAll(mbtn, L2);



        status.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()


             public void handle(ActionEvent ae)


                 L2.setText("JavaFX Menu demonstrated!");




        hitcount.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()


             public void handle(ActionEvent ae)


                 L2.setText("Hit count = 232");




        Scene myScene = new Scene(bp, 300, 200);





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