Star pattern

 # Star Display



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter an odd number : "))

print("Star pattern : ")


for n in range(1,tmp+2,1):

print("   "*(tmp-n+1),end="")

print(" * "*((2*n)-1))

for n in range(tmp,0,-1):

print("   "*(tmp-n+1),end="")

print(" * "*((2*n)-1))

Star pattern

 # Star Display



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Star pattern : ")

for n in range(N,0,-1):

print("   "*(N-n),end="")

print(" * "*((2*n)-1))

Star pattern

 # Star Display



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Star pattern : ")

for n in range(1,N+1,1):

print("   "*(N-n),end="")

print(" * "*((2*n)-1))

Star pattern

 # Star Display



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Star Pattern : ")

for n in range(N,0,-1):

print("* "*n)

Star pattern

 # Star Display



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Star Pattern : ")

for n in range(1,N+1,1):

print("* "*n)

Star patterns

 # Star Display



# Read Number of Rows and Columns 

R = int(input("Enter number of Rows : "))

C = int(input("Enter number of Columns : "))

print("Star Display : ")

for n in range(1,R+1,1):

print("*  "*C)

Star patterns

 # Star Display



# Read Number of Rows and Columns 

R = int(input("Enter number of Rows : "))

C = int(input("Enter number of Columns : "))

print("Star Display : ")

print("*  "*C)

for n in range(1,R-1,1):

print("*  ",end="")

print("   "*(C-2),end="")

print("*  ")

print("*  "*C)

Binary squares

 # Binary Display



# Read Number of Rows and Columns 

R = int(input("Enter number of Rows : "))

C = int(input("Enter number of Columns : "))

print("Binary Display : ")

print("0  "*C)

for n in range(1,R-1,1):

print("0  ",end="")

print("1  "*(C-2),end="")

print("0  ")

print("0  "*C)

Number Triangle

 # Number Triangles



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Number Triangle : ")

for n in range(1,N+1,1):

print("    "*(N-n),end="")

for k in range(1,n+1,1):

print(str(k).center(4), end="")

for k in range(n-1,0,-1):

print(str(k).center(4), end="")


for n in range(1,N+1,1):

print("    "*(n),end="")

for k in range(1,N-n+1,1):

print(str(k).center(4), end="")

for k in range(N-n-1,0,-1):

print(str(k).center(4), end="")


Number triangle

 # Number Triangles



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Number Triangle : ")

for n in range(1,N+1,1):

print("    "*(N-n),end="")

for k in range(1,n+1,1):

print(str(k).center(4), end="")

for k in range(n-1,0,-1):

print(str(k).center(4), end="")


Number triangle - binary

 # Binary Triangles



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Binary Triangle : ")

for n in range(1,N+1,1):

i = n%2

for val in range (1,n+1,1):

print(i, end=" ")



Number Triangles

 # Number Triangles



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Number Triangle : ")

i = 1

for n in range(1,N+1,1):

for val in range (1,n+1,1):

print(i, end=" ")



Number triangles

 # Number Triangles



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Number Triangle : ")

for n in range(1,N+1,1):

for val in range (1,n+1,1):

print(n, end=" ")


Number Triangles Display


Write program to generate the following NUMBER / STAR arrangements

1. Pascal Triangle

2. Simple Number Arrangements 

3. Binary Display

4. Star patterns 

Number Triangles

 # Number Triangles



# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Number Triangle : ")

for n in range(1,N+1,1):

for val in range (1,n+1,1):

print(val, end=" ")


Pygame - Moving an object based on key pressed

# Moving an object based on keypress

import sys,pygame


screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500))

pygame.display.set_caption("Moving object")


# Moving object starting co-ordinates and size

x = 200

y = 200

width = 20

height = 20


# Moving speed

step = 5


# infinite loop 

while 1:


for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == pygame.QUIT:


# Get the keys pressed 

keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()


    # Left arrow key - decrement in x axis

if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]and x>0:


    # Right arrow key - increment in x axis

if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] and x<500-width:

x += step


    # Up arrow key - decrement in y axis

if keys[pygame.K_UP] and y>0:

y -= step


    # Down arrow key - increment in y axis

if keys[pygame.K_DOWN] and y<500-height:

y += step


    # Set screen background and Place moving object on screen 

screen.fill((255, 255, 255))

pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 0, 0), (x, y, width, height))


    # Display movement




Pascal Triangle

# Number Triangles

# Pascals Triangle



# Factorial Function 

def fact(Num):


return 1


return Num*fact(Num-1)

# Read Number of lines 

N = int(input("Enter number of Lines : "))

print("Pascal Triangle : ")

for n in range(0,N,1):

Nr = fact(n)

        # For Alignment

print("   "*(N-n),end="")

for k in range(0,n+1,1):

term = (int)(Nr/(fact(k)*fact(n-k)))

print(str(term).center(6), end="")


# Output

> python

Enter number of Lines : 10

Pascal Triangle :

Formula for calculating elements in Pascal Triangle

matplotlib bar chart

 # Creating a simple barchart using matplotlib

# importing the required module 

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

# plotting the x and y axis values for two sets of data[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],[7.1,9.4,10.6,12.5,11.5,10.9,9.8], label="Chennai",width=.25)[1.25,2.25,3.25,4.25,5.25,6.25,7.25],[8.1,10.4,9.6,8.5,10.5,8.9,7.8], label="Kancheepuram",width=.25) 

# Naming the axes and setting the legends



plt.ylabel('Rainfall (mm)')

# Graph title


# Display the graph




Matplotlib line graph

# Creating a line graph using matplotlib


Before executing the program install matplotlib

open command prompt and type

    pip install matplotlib


this will install all required packages


# importing the required module 

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 


# x axis values 

x = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] 

# corresponding y axis values 

y1 = [24.3, 25.3, 27.4, 29.6, 30.8, 30.3, 30, 29.2, 28.7, 27.3, 25.7, 24.6] 

y2 = [23.9, 25.8, 28.1, 28.9, 27.5, 25.2, 24.5, 24.5, 25, 24.8, 23.9, 23.2]  

# Setting the width and height of graph

f = plt.figure()



# plotting the points  

plt.plot(x, y1, 'g', label='Chennai', linewidth=2.5) 

plt.plot(x, y2, 'r', label='Coimbatore', linewidth=2.5)


# naming the x axis 


# naming the y axis 


# display legend



# giving a title to my graph 

plt.title('Monthly Avarage Temperature') 


# function to show the plot 




Matplotlib example - ploting a triangle

 # Creating a simple triangle using matplotlib


Before executing the program install matplotlib

open command prompt and type

    pip install matplotlib


this will install all required packages


# importing the required module 

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 


# x axis values 

x = [1,2,3,1] 

# corresponding y axis values 

y = [2,4,1,2] 


# plotting the points  

plt.plot(x, y) 


# naming the x axis 

plt.xlabel('x - axis') 

# naming the y axis 

plt.ylabel('y - axis') 


# giving a title to my graph 

plt.title('My first Triangle!') 


# function to show the plot 


Number Patterns - squares and cubes of numbers

# Number Patterns

# Squares and cubes of Numbers

Num_of_terms = int(input("Enter number of terms : "))

val = 1

print("Number Patterns : ")

print("Squares of Numbers : ", end="")

for i in range(1,Num_of_terms+1,1):

print(i*i, end=" ")

print("\nCubes of Numbers : ", end="")

for i in range(1,Num_of_terms+1,1):

print(i*i*i, end=" ")

Number Patters - Odd Numbers

 # Number Patterns

# Odd Numbers

Num_of_terms = int(input("Enter number of terms : "))

val = 1

print("Number Patterns - Odd Numbers : ")

for i in range(0,Num_of_terms,1):

print(val, end=" ")


Number series - Fibonacci

 # Number series 

# Fibonacci series 

print("Fibonacci series : ")

Num_of_terms = int(input("Enter number of terms : ")) 

f1 = -1

f2 = 1

for i in range(0,Num_of_terms,1):

term = f1+f2

print(term, end=" ")

f1 = f2

f2 = term

Exchange the values of two variables

 # Exchange the values of two variables

var1 = int(input("Enter value : "))

var2 = int(input("Enter value : "))

print("Original values : ")

print("Value 1= ",var1)

print("Value 2= ",var2)

#swapping the values

var1, var2 = var2, var1

print("Swapped values : ")

print("Value 1 = ",var1)

print("Value 2 = ",var2)