CS3362 - Data Science Lab

 CS3362 - Data Science Lab 

  1. Python Standard Libraries. 
  2. Working with Numpy arrays
    1. Array attributes
    2. Arithmetic operations
    3. Aggregations
  3. Working with Pandas data frames 
  4. Reading data from text files, Excel and the web and exploring various commands for doing descriptive analytics on the Iris data set. 
  5. Use the diabetes data set from UCI and Pima Indians Diabetes data set for performing the following: 
    1. Univariate analysis: Frequency, Mean, Median, Mode, Variance, Standard Deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis. 
    2. Bivariate analysis: Linear and logistic regression modeling 
    3. Multiple Regression analysis 
    4. Also compare the results of the above analysis for the two data sets. 
  6. Apply and explore various plotting functions on UCI data sets. 
    1. Normal curves 
    2. Density and contour plots 
    3. Correlation and scatter plots 
    4. Histograms 
    5. Three dimensional plotting 
  7. Visualizing Geographic Data with Basemap

1 comment:

  1. mam i need the material for above experiement and explaination


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