Converting Integer to Roman Numerals


# integer to roman numerals

Num = int(input("Enter number between 1 and 3999 : "))


if(Num<1 or Num>3999):

print("Invalid number.")


D={0:'',1:'I', 4:'IV', 5:'V', 9:'IX', 10:'X', 40:'XL', 50:'L', 90:'XC', 100:'C', 400:'CD', 500:'D', 900:'CM', 1000:'M'}





r = N%(div*10)

N = N-r


if r not in D.keys():











Installing Windows OS and Guest OS using VMware

Installing Operating System


Steps to install Windows 10 operating system


1.    To connect the Windows 10 installation media, insert DVD into the drive.

2.    Boot the PC into the BIOS. Under Boot tab, select the device from which to boot as CD-ROM Drive or Optical Drive option as the first choice.

3.    Save the settings and Exit.

4.    Restart the computer.

5.    The Windows Setup will load and will display a Setup window...

6.    Choose the Windows Setup options / Select the Regional Settings
(preferred language, keyboard type, and time/currency format), then click Next.

7.    Click the ‘Install Now’ button.

8.    Enter the Windows Product Key, then click Next.

9.    Read over the Microsoft Software License Terms. To accept the License Terms check 'I accept the license terms' checkbox and click Next.

10. Select the Custom installation.

11. Select the hard drive and partition to install Windows on and click Next.

12. Windows will begin installing.

13. After installation completes, the system will restart. Adjust the personalization, location, browser, protection, connectivity and error reporting settings.

14. Specify who the owner of the device is and sign in to Windows 10 with your Microsoft account.

15. Click Finish/Restart and remove the Windows Install Media

16. On restarting the system will run the new Windows operating system.



Steps to install Linux as a guest OS in Windows 10 OS using VMware.


1.    Download and Install the VMware Workstation Player and launch it.

2.    Create a VM by clicking “Create a New Virtual Machine”. Browse and select the Installer disc image file (iso) of Linux OS. Click Next

3.    In “Select a guest OS”, choose the guest OS (Linux) and its version. Click Next

4.    Under Specify Disk Capacity adjust Maximum disk size as required. Click Next and Confirm the selected size in next window.

5.    Click finish to add the Linux virtual machine to VMware Workstation Player.

6.    Open the VMware Workstation Player settings and customize the VM hardware as required.

7.    To launch the Linux virtual machine use the Play button in VMware Workstation Player.