Function overloading in Python - Area of a shape

# Functions - Area of a shape

# Function overloading 


install multipledispatch as below from command prompt

pip install multipledispatch


from multipledispatch import dispatch


def fnShape(x):

print("Area of square = ",(x*x))


def fnShape(x):

print("Area of circle = ",(3.142*x*x))


def fnShape(x,y):

print("Area of rectangle = ",(x*y))

# The three function calls differ by number and datatype

fnShape(5) # int

fnShape(2.1)         # float

fnShape(5,6)         # int,int

Functions - factorial of a number

 # Functions - factorial of a number 

def fnfact(N):


return 1



Num = int(input("Enter Number : "))

print("Factorial of", Num, "is", fnfact(Num))